Opt-in Page Format Leaves Visitors Feeling Duped and How You Can Avoid It While Increasing Conversions

Clients Feeling DupedThis morning, while on Facebook, I saw the following post and when I saw who posted it, I was interested (note that I crossed out identifying info and excluded the name of the person who posted it):

Facebook post

She’s a respected colleague and I liked the idea of the Challenge so I clicked into the link provided.  When I got to the page, it had little text and asked for 3 things:

  • name
  • email
  • list size

There was no identifying info:

  • no logo
  • no footer
  • no “ownership” of the page whatsoever

Believing the page was my colleague’s, I gave the info (all required to move on) and was taken to a “thank you” page with someone I’ve never heard of offering an upsell.

I felt totally duped.

The issue, or rather issues?

  • The opt-in page has no identifying info.  Whose page are you on?  Even if we didn’t consider FTC Regulations requiring such information, it just *feels* like bad business.
  • Given that the page had no identifying info, the social media should have.  Something to the effect of “Check out this great…from my friend XXX” would have done the job.
  • This Challenge may be the best thing since sliced bread, but it’s already left me with a bad taste.  Enough of one that not only did I not invest in the upsell, I opted-out.

I get that studies are showing “quick and simple” converts better.  Doesn’t mean that we forget the basics like “who we are” however.

Note that this doesn’t mean the opt-in, or squeeze, page format is inappropriate.  Far from it.

In fact I’ve used this format with a strong campaign leading up to it so when visitors got to the page, they knew why they were there — they knew there was going to be a training and this is how they signed up for it.  Conversions were strong — not my strongest page, but not the weakest by any means.

Here’s a snapshot of that page:

Tip of the Iceberg training opt-in page

(In case it’s not legible, the white text at the bottom is my full contact info: name, address, phone, email.)

My request to you. . .

  • Try new formats.  Test your website, squeeze pages, opt-in pages, etc to determine what works for your industry and audience.  It’s smart business.  Just remember the “non-negotiable” basics when doing so.
  • When testing new formats, ensure that you remain in compliance of applicable rules and regs.
  • When posting promotions on social media, read the post as if a stranger — does it make sense?  Are there assumptions that would/could be made that you wouldn’t want made?

The old adage that “people do business with people” remains as true today as the day it was first said.  If you’re looking to increase your conversions, start by telling people who you are.

Have you run into a similar situation?  I’d love to hear it below.