It, and more, is possible with the
Escalator Profits™ Path to Freedom Program
Dear Friend and Small Business Owner,
Before you get into the WHAT of all this, let me say that I intentionally didn’t write a long, standard information (sales) letter/page.
The reason is simple – after reading this through, you’ll know if it’s right for you or not.
As you know, the economy has shifted.
About 3 years ago I started calling it the “New Economy”, knowing that we weren’t going back. Since the New Economy arrived, several things have happened:
- more small businesses are failing than ever before
- several in the “guru market” have filed bankruptcy
- my husband was downsized and my business became the sole source of revenue, and health insurance, for our family — it’s all well and good to talk about not having a “hobby” business, but until your business is the only income source, you don’t truly appreciate what has to consistently happen to sustainably grow and maintain a business
Happy news? No, of course not, but it is reality. And reality is that I know how to build and market small businesses and to do it from a place of being myself. Introvert, recovering (and periodically relapsing) perfectionist and all.
My name is Sandy Martini and here’s a little of my background:
- My first *real* job was as a nurse’s aide in a Nursing Home — it was here that I learned so much, including how precious life is and the importance of doing those things which fulfill us
- After earning a dual degree at The American University in Washington, DC, I went to work for the Feds. First, Peace Corps in their Marketing Department and later the ACTION Agency which was quickly merged into The Corporation for National & Community Service and AmeriCorps. While at AmeriCorps, I served on a 5-woman team to launch the program nationwide — coordinating everything from White House Presidential Events to simultaneous events in almost every state.
- 3 years into my career at AmeriCorps, I became part of a two-person team handling the Agency’s budget and became the coordinator for all internal audits required by Congress
- Leaving the “big city” to return to rural Massachusetts when my Dad got cancer, I was a director of operations for a national satellite television company for 7 years before they were bought out by DirecTV.
- Turning down a job offer with DirecTV, I chose to go out on my own and set up an office in my spare bedroom.
- Being single with a house and a mortgage, I had to know if the business could succeed. Within 6 months, with a list of 82 members (including my mom), only me on “the team”, the business broke $100,000. There were lots of sleepless nights, but I’d proven I could manage on my own — then it was time to go back and “do things better”.
Flashforward to today. . .my approach:
- Start with a client focus and never lose it
- Hold clients accountable to their goals — be the voice of your business, even when it means nudging you out of your comfort zone
- Treat every prospect/website visitor as if they’re our best client
- Incorporate the tenets of Extreme Client Care™ such that every client considers my business part of their business and becomes a raving fan
- Give you the tools and means to succeed when you take consistent action: the future of my business depends on the future of your business
- And, in those rare instances where I care more about your business than you do, keep you as a friend and let you go as a client as neither one of our businesses is being served.
People don’t want to be sold to. They want to be consulted with, educated and believe that, of all the things they’re spending their resources (time, energy, money) on, you’re offering the best investment for a particular need.
My question to you. . .are you?
Or are you so overwhelmed just trying to keep up that it’s “hit and miss”?
You see, prospective clients are super busy — always “plugged in”, multitasking, overwhelmed and looking for things which are easy. Remember the Staples Office Supply Store commercial with that red “easy” button?
Your goal, as a business owner during times in which your customers and clients are:
- more concerned about finances than ever and
- looking for easy, easy-to-understand, time-and-energy-saving solutions to their problems
is to simplify their decision to invest with you and then deliver on the promise of your business. It really is that simple.
From the standpoint of your business, it’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle:
- start with the end pieces and build the framework
- identify the key pieces and put them where they belong
- fill in the rest
The challenge of course is that with typical jigsaw puzzles, there’s a picture, something to use as a reference. With your business, things are a little different.
The picture is whatever you’d like it to be. That’s both wonderful and not:
- Wonderful as you can literally create whatever you can dream of
- “Not” as you’re likely tweaking and adapting that picture and your business can’t keep up with the changes. You’ve got a bunch of mismatched pieces trying unsuccessfully to squeeze into some semblance of a complete picture.

When thinking of your marketing efforts, do they look a bit like this:or are you consistently educating and nurturing your clients and prospective clients such that, when they’re ready to invest you’re the only person they think of?
You see, there’s a new results-based formula in town: E=mc2
You may know it as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. In the world of marketing, it’s known as:
Engagement = Metrics x Connection squared
Is your business converting like it could (or should)? If not, it’s likely because you don’t have right pieces of the equation. This is exactly what we’ll be focused on next month. More than just “focused”, it’s what you’ll be creating for your business. More like this, including content ideas and more:

The names and activities will change depending on your industry and personal strengths, but the concept is the same:
- a planned path, some would call it a funnel, for your prospective clients to follow
- different doors, different entry ways into your business, all leading towards investment in your programs, products and services
- content which naturally flows — not the result of “what can I talk about today” and lends itself to repurposing in multiple media throughout the internet
If your marketing and sales processes are more a tangled mess than a coordinated effort with efficiencies realized throughout, it’s time to stop reacting, take control and create a Strategic Business & Marketing Plan.
Imagine a business where:
- all your effort does double or triple the work it does today
- you know what you’re doing today, tomorrow, next month and next quarter
- you make an offer — not only do people sign up for it, they refer others
- when an opportunity arises, you can jump on it knowing you have the material without having to drop everything and scramble
It could be yours.

Let’s see what that’ll look like. . .
First, we start with identifying your baseline. This happens with our proprietary Business Baseline Assessment and you’ll receive it via email.
Then, we identify the 5 Keys to YOUR Successful Business during our Escalate! Virtual Day using the following as a framework:
Step 1: Determine Your Lifestyle and Know Where You Are (your baseline)
Step 2: Create Your Community
Step 3: Help People (hint: your clients)
Step 4: Create Continuity
Step 5: Maximize Profits
This happens before and during our Virtual Day on Wednesday, October 16th from 11am – 4pm Eastern. If your business hasn’t been performing the way you’ve hoped, this is at least 1/2 the reason (you’re missing some component of the above 5 steps, or one just needs tweaking).
You’ll walk away with a one-page biz plan which will drive everything you do going forward. No more wondering.
Let me explain how our Escalate! Virtual Day will work:
You’ll have some homework to complete before our day together. Then, at 11:00 am Eastern on October 16th, you’ll either dial in via phone or join a webcast from your computer.
I’ll present some content and ask you to do some work (yep, sorry…no magic pills here). Then you’ll hang up and dial back in/unmute the webcast at the designated time. I’ll present some more content and then more work.
I’ll be available for questions in between sessions (all content sessions will start at their designated times so if you don’t have questions, you’re not waiting) and we’ll wrap up the day around 4pm or 5pm Eastern (depending on questions at the end).
And if you choose to join us in Los Angeles, you’ll have a little “homework” to do to prepare for our live workshop in Los Angeles, California on Friday, October 25, 2013 (hotel information to be shared upon registration).
By the end of our Workshop (or when you go through the exercises at home), you’ll have a detailed Strategic Business & Marketing Plan for the remainder of 2013 and, at a minimum, the first quarter of 2014 (or further into 2014 if you wish — you set this timeframe).

“Sandy’s commitment and focus on my needs as a client is exceptional. It doesn’t matter howlong you’ve been in business; if you’re running one or trying to get one off the ground, Sandy can help you make it even more successful! Her dedicated partnership, brilliant collaboration, cherished friendship and ability to bring humor to any situation greatly enhance both my business and my life.”
Gina Weller,
Alpharetta, Georgia
In Los Angeles, on October 25th (or via home study if you prefer), we’ll be focused on the Key Components of your Strategic Plan:
and building each of them out for your business for the remainder of 2013 and as far into 2014 as you’re comfortable (with a little nudge — can’t have you *too* comfortable). 🙂
- What programs, products and services are you offering and WHEN?
- HOW will you fill/sell them? From the emails you’ll be sending to the social media, we’ll have it all listed.
- Your upsells, downsells and cross-sells, insuring that your business is set up as leveraged as possible. Yep — we’re doing that.
No PowerPoints, No slide projectors, just us, sleeves rolled up working on your business. This isn’t “an event”. It’s “a workshop”. There are no other speakers. It’s a working day.
It doesn’t end there. . .
- After our Los Angeles event, we’ll have a Group “Answers When You Want Them” 90-minute session on December 3rd and
- You can schedule a private 15-minute call with me anytime before December 31, 2013.
I’ve created the Escalator Profits Path to Freedom Program to be:
- affordable
- hands-on
- practical and NO fluff
- and full of **me** and all of the nurturing and sassiness I’m known for

“Sandy’s programs are always just the ticket to get ‘out of the fog’ and back on track when dealing with the ever-changing world of marketing…It’s like having a life-saver snugly wrapped around you when you dive (or in my case fall) in, and someone to wipe your hair out of your face and pull you back in the boat if you get dunked. ”
Karen Rauch Carter,
Tustin, California
So let’s take a look at everything that’s included:
Escalator Profits Path to Freedom Program
Description |
Escalator Profits Path to Freedom Program |
Business Baseline Assessment to determine your current overall marketing baseline and foundation ($67 value) |
Included |
Escalate! Virtual Day Identifying and Optimizing the 5 Key Components your business. From programs/products/services to your nurturing and retention plans ($197 value) |
Included Virtual Day held on Wed, Oct 16th 11 – 4pm Eastern |
Included | |
Put it all together: Create Strategic Marketing Media & Promotional Calendar during live workshop on October 25th in Los Angeles, California ($497 value) |
Included. Also includes all activities necessary for your campaigns & launches. You can receive all materials at home and do as a home study if you prefer not join us in Los Angeles |
Plug-n-Play PPS Launch Software ($397 value) — proprietary and updated |
Included |
Email Follow-up: You’ll receive email reminders and tips for 60 days after creation workshop to follow-up and help ensure you stay on track ($100 value) |
Included |
One 15-minute private check-in call anytime before December 31, 2013 ($87.50 value) |
Included |
One Group 90-minute “Answers When You Want Them” Call on December 3, 2013 (Value = what you make of it) |
Included |
Access to e-learning platform to templates, planning tools, spreadsheets, “how-to” videos and other resources through 12/31/13. “Doors” open Oct 1, 2013. ($231 value) |
Included |
BONUS #1: Hardcopy Step-by-Step “Sales” Page Creator ($97 value) |
Included |
BONUS #2: Sandy’s Forms Library & Resource Vault — hardcopy & digital for easy searching ($147 value) |
Included |
BONUS #3: Product Creation Blueprint — digital ($199 value) |
Included |
Retail Value |
$2019.50+ |
Single Investment | |
Installment Investment (available through Sept 20, 2013) EXPIRED |
Note that there are two options: I know that not everyone will be able to join us in Los Angeles and so you’re welcome to participate via the Home Study version.
Early Bird #1 for the first 5 4 3 2 1 0 registration for the full Escalator Profits Path to Freedom Program: (Sorry, this Early Bird has been scooped up)
Private 30-min call with Sandy to occur anytime before December 31, 2013. We can focus on the results of your Business Baseline Assessment, the results of our Escalate! Virtual Day, the nitty gritty of your next program, product or service, or anything that you’d like. This is our time to focus on what will serve you and your business best and I’m your thinking partner.
Early Bird #2 = Two-installment Plan of $250 each — expires Sept 20, 2013: (Sorry, this Early Bird has expired)
If you’d rather spread your investment out over two months, I completely understand and often take advantage of no-interest installment options as a way to manage cash flow. That’s why we’ve added a two-installment plan for you available through 11:59pm Eastern, September 20th, you’re welcome to spread your investment out over two months.
Early Bird #3 = Bring-A-Friend for 1/2 the Investment — expires Sept 27, 2013: (Sorry, this Early Bird has expired)

Have a friend, colleague or team member you’d like to bring? Someone you’d like to share the investment with? Through September 27th, we’re offering a “Register and Bring-A-Friend for 1/2 the Investment”. That’s two of you for a single investment of $745 or two installments of $372.75 (the two-installment option ends on September 20th — now expired).
I could have inserted a testimonial every three paragraphs, but decided not to in order to save paper when you print this – you can see a testimonial on every page of my website at, just be sure click through the website pages several times as the testimonials continuously change.

I’m not going to attempt to convince or sell you. You know if this program is what you, and your business want and need. If you choose to enroll, know that I’ll do everything within my abilities to ensure you the best experience and results possible and offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee through October 17, 2013 (after our Escalate! Virtual Day) if you’re not satisfied.
Are you ready?
Yes Sandy! I’m SO Ready to Get Out of Overwhelm and Have a Proven System to Attract Clients Who Pay, Stay and Refer. . .Again and Again! Let’s Do It!
- I know that I’ve been struggling for too long and am ready for this to be easier.
- I know that the investment is a drop in the bucket compared to what I’ll save in time, energy, resources and team costs and that’s before we include the increased revenue.
- I know that, even if I can’t join you live in Los Angeles, you’ll send me all the instructions and materials to accomplish the same plan.
- And I know I’m covered by your generous guarantee — allowing me to experience your Escalate! Virtual Day without risk.
- I’m ready! Lets get started and will let you know if I’d like to join you in Los Angeles or prefer to receive the workshop materials at home.
Escalator Profits Path to Freedom

Not sure if it’s right for you? Let’s talk. I’m happy to chat and see if this is a good fit for you at this time.
In full and unwavering support of you, and your business,

Sandra Martini
Small Business Strategist and Marketing Expert
PS: There are a million and one different things you’re working on. And a million and one things waiting on your list to be worked on. Isn’t it time you made things easier on yourself, your team and your business — all while getting better results? Let’s do it together.
PPS: Our hotel in Los Angeles is a nice one, without gouging your wallet. The nightly cost is $109 + tax (guaranteed until October 10, 2013). I know I always like to know all the costs before making a choice about investing. 🙂

“…I’ve studied how Sandy helps clients stay visible with little effort and strongly suggest you check out her offer. With Sandy’s help, you can TRIPLE your exposure while greatly reducing the amount of time you spend online.”
Nancy Marmolejo,
Contact info: Sandra Martini | PO Box 2086 | Conway, SC 29528| | 888.436.5364
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I join the whole program, get all the materials and not go to Los Angeles?
A: Absolutely! If traveling to Los Angeles on/for October 25th isn’t in your plans, no worries. We’ll ship you everything you need to do all the exercises and planning sessions we’ll be doing in Los Angeles. My recommendation is that you clear your schedule for a day so you can have the same experience and focus that we’ll have in Los Angeles.
Q: How many people do you expect at the live workshop in Los Angeles?
A: No more than 19 (plus me for 20). This is intended to be a small workshop with lots of “get it done in the room” work and with total access to me for questions. There are currently 8 seats left.
Sandra Martini | PO Box 2086 Conway, SC 29528
Ph: 888.436.5364 | email:
Disclaimer Required by Law: We don’t believe in get rich programs or promises of “6 figures in 60 days”. We do believe in hard work, adding value, creating engagement and providing Extreme Client Care™. Our programs are intended to help you design and grow your business with authenticity and integrity so that you may have a positive impact on the world. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, templates, checklists, strategies or other tools.
Your results in life are up to you and we can’t predict what you will or won’t do with the information provided. We just want to help by giving great content, tools, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, financial, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings. All numbers are illustrative only. All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the links below. It’s all the regular “legal stuff” and so we wanted to put it in simple language here.