[Infographic & PDF] 7 Steps to Product Creation

First, let me dispel the myth that “products” are only for service-based industries like coaching, information marketers and self-help gurus.

That is SO not the case. Every business, in every industry needs, yes *needs* products to supplement their other offerings:

  • the Hallmark store that can publish a booklet of tips for identifying the perfect gift
  • the Café that can publish a “Coffee Manifesto”, or how about a coffee table book on coffee?
  • the House Painter who publishes a report on the Top 10 Questions to Ask Before You Hire Your Next House Painter

These can be sold, or the businesses will gain much more visibility, and credibility, if they give them away, use them as direct mail pieces or otherwise share with their target audiences.

And for those who do offer service-based businesses like coaching, information marketing, self-help gurus, virtual assistants and more? Easy peasy:

  • Combine articles of similar topics into ebooks and add a workbook
  • Create a “How to Work With” booklet
  • Document your process and offer it as a self-study

Let’s walk through how to do (this is the exact process I use in my business) with the below infographic:

(Click here to download the infographic or here to download pdf version of this information.)

Product Creation Infographic