Two opportunities/lessons from a recent roundtable

Happy Summer!

With the heat as hot as it’s been around the US, seems we’ve been well into summer for a bit now. 

Last week I attended a local business women’s roundtable where we were talking all things money and finances with a local financial advisor. 

One of the attendees said something that caught my attention – she’s a realtor, there are over 6,000 of them in this area, and making one sale (ONE!) annually puts you in the top 17% for this area.

Now the area I live in is booming. Within 3 miles each way of my street, they’ve added/are adding over 800 new homes. And that’s just within a 3-mile radius of me.

And yet one sale/year puts a local realtor in the top 17%.

She went on to share that all the networking and business development meetings she attends are made up of at least 50% realtors. 

Our hostess asked how many in the room were realtors – sure enough, 55%.

Why am I sharing? Why do you care? 

Simple… I saw two immediate opportunities/lessons:

  1. Local realtors need to think outside the box on which meetings/types of meetings they attend. Realtors going to meeting after meeting knowing it’ll be the same realtors isn’t going to serve them. How about you? Are you hanging out in places that serve you/your business?
  2. If everyone in your industry is doing the same thing and seeing poor or mediocre results, it’s time to consider doing something else. Unsure of where to start? Do the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

    For example, years ago when everyone was hosting a fully virtual membership program, we included a print newsletter with ours.

What is currently working for your business? What needs to be tweaked? What opportunities/lessons can you see around you?