How Extreme Client Care™ increases profits and sanity

ECCWe recently discussed the difference between good customer service and Extreme Client Care™ using a specific case study example.

Responses to that article have been interesting.

  • Janet Powers ( described it as “outstanding” on Facebook and several others emailed similar comments,
  • About the same number emailed to say that “they were too busy trying to get everything else done” and that Extreme Client Care™ is “unrealistic in the true small business world” and
  • 4 people unsubscribed

As a result, it seemed only fitting to focus this week’s article on the results that Extreme Client Care™ can provide.

Quantifying Extreme Client Care™

It’s easy to get caught up in the “I’m too busy” or “that’s too much work” or “there just aren’t enough hours in the day” mantra of business ownership.

  • 68% of customers leave because they feel poorly treated. (
  • 91% of unhappy clients will not willingly do business with you again. (Lee Resources, Inc.)
  • 95% of complaining customers will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint instantly. (Lee Resources, Inc.)
  • 96% of clients who didn’t have a great experience simply go away and, of those, 91% will never come back. (“Understanding Customers” by R. Newell-Legner)
    •  This doesn’t mean they were unhappy, simply that there was nothing to rave about.

This can be summed up as most clients and customers either simply walking away or easily being swayed by the first info page promising an instant fix to their issue.

Image-wise that translates to the pie chart below.

ECCPic1And for businesses which incorporate Extreme Client Care™, the chart is the reverse – 90% of clients are repeat clients . Imagine what this does for ease of marketing, consistent cash flow, ability to try new things and more.

As you know, attracting new customers and clients is expensive — an investment of time, energy and money. And not just your time expended, there’s also the time of your prospective customer to choose to actually invest with you.

Combine this with the fact that studies show that losing a client or customer is between 2.5 and 7 times more costly than gaining a new customer and it’s easy to see that retention is the way to go.

ECCPic2Why is it more expensive to replace a lost client than get a new one?

In part because of all the time, energy and money that went into both getting the client and welcoming them into your business whether that’s intake forms, welcome gifts, consultation times, etc.

Having to replace the majority of your clients because they didn’t have a great experience with you can drain even the most motivated business owner.

The question is are you going to nod in agreement and make a mental note to do something about your Client Care™ practices when you “have time” or are you going to grab your calendar/planning notebook and schedule a time to make it happen?

If you’d like me to review your business and show you exactly how and where to incorporate Extreme Client Care™ and retention activities, please check out our end of year Strategy Session Special at