If you read my post from yesterday about "How many ezine subscribers do you really have", chances are good you're looking to get more targeted subscribers.
Here are 7 simple ways for you to grow your ezine list – – with integrity and authenticity!
1. Make it easy.
It's amazing to me how many people have only one sign-up spot on their website or don't include an invitation to sign up for their newsletter in their email signature.
You need to make it glaringly obvious to EVERYONE that you would like to share your newsletter with them: put a sign-up box on *every* page of your website, include an invitation in your Resource Box and on your email signature. Include a note on the back of your business card and any brochures or flyers you send out.
2. Coregistration.
Speak with ezine publishers who offer products or services which are complementary to yours.
When someone signs up for your newsletter, you refer your colleague's newsletter and vice versa. Coregistration has the benefit of adding subscribers to both your and your colleague's newsletter with no real effort.
3. Squeeze Page.
A squeeze page consists of either a simple one page website where the sole goal is to collect email addresses for your ezine OR it's a "front page" over your actual website where visitors can either choose to enter their information, click away or, in most cases, click to "enter site".
You can see an example of a one page site at www.GetControlOfYourBusinessNow.com. This is a simple one page website which I'm using while my new site is being redesigned.
4. Ezine Directories.
You can submit your ezine to online directories such at Charlie Page's Directory of Ezines (www.directoryofezines.com). The Directory allows people to search ezines by topic and decide if they wish to subscribe. It also allows other ezine publishers to contact you about using one of your articles in their newsletter.
5. Advertising.
Take a good look at other websites/newsletters which cater to your target market and advertise either on their sites or in their ezines.
By focusing only on those sites/ezines which cater to your niche, you will have a higher chance of getting interested prospects as subscribers.
6. Direct Mail.
Send a postcard to members of your target audience where you do nothing aside from inform them about your ezine and invite them to sign up.
If you are a virtual assistant who works with real estate agents, you could send a postcard to all the local (and not-so-local) real estate agents and invite them to become a subscriber.
7. Speaking.
One of the fastest ways to get sign-ups for your newsletter is to speak at public events and offer a susbscription to your ezine. You can speak at your local chamber of commerce, BNI Chapter, real estate company, or any civic groups such as the Rotary Club or Lions.
You can also offer a drawing where you give something away in exchange for names and email addresses. Just remember to let your audience know that everyone *wins* a subscription to your newsletter!
There are dozens of additional strategies to get people to sign up for your newsletter. Do some research and choose those which most resonate with you. Remember the old adage: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" — the same is true in obtaining a thousand subscribers!