2017 Goals: Week 4 of 52 Update

Minipins on Conway Riverwalk
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Sandra Martini shares Week 4 of 52 Progress Report on status of 2017 Goals.

So here we go. . .Week 4’s Progress Report with 336 days to go.  Overall it was a rough tech week and that seriously hampered productivity. So, whaddya do after a tough tech week? You avoid it — I enjoyed a very low tech (admittedly I took a pic of the dogs) weekend and read quite a bit — more on that below.

If you missed the full description of each goal, you can read about them at 2017 List of Goals.

My Goals for 2017

The Art of Extreme Client Care

  1. Publish my book and achieve Amazon Bestseller Status. The writing’s piling up (YAY!) and I need to sit and organize a lot of my notes in order to write in a more focused way.  From the Amazon side, I’ve updated my Amazon author page and been focused on growing my FB and Twitter platforms so I can fully maximize Thunderclap when the time comes.

Minipins on Conway Riverwalk

  1. Release additional 49 pounds.  Down 2 more pounds (so down 62 total total and 46 left on this goal). Took the girls for a nice way on the Conway Riverwalk. As busy a week as it was, I only averaged 3.7 miles/day.  Attributing the weight release to a super clean diet of fruits and veggies with some whole grains.
  1. In addition to *regular* clients, partner privately with 5 business owners.  No action on this goal.
  1. Complete Paula Eder’s Decluttering Challenge. Week 4 was to donate/sell/discard 4 items.  Donated/gave 15 items to a combination of library, friends and Goodwill.  My goal within the goal is to, at a minimum, mark off each of the 52 weeks so until the higher weeks are marked off will start with those.  To make it easier for next week, have set up a box to keep adding things throughout the week.  Weeks 11, 15, 17 and 18 have been done.

Escalator Marketing Program

  1. Simplify my business offerings and fully flush out the Escalator (funnel) for each of the programs, products and services that remains.  Listed out all of my private consulting/mentoring programs and eliminated all but three of them.  Next up is to update the website (that’ll be a project for next week).  Did not update the site yet — moving to next week. — no change from week 2.

  1.   Read a minimum of 52 books in 52 weeks.  Given the low tech weekend, it was a big week for books: 52 Small Changes: One Year to a Happier, Healthier You; James Patterson’s Private Missing; Clean Up Your Diet, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.  Whiled I’d read three of them before, I wanted to give them one more go-through before donating. 42 books to go.
  1. Complete 50 projects.  Given my goals for SC, accepted that I’ll likely be there through the end of March and so truly settled in: cleaned cabinets, redid pantry, packed all but favorite dishes, set up work space for extreme productivity, set up spot specifically for working on the book.
  1. Post at least 50 videos.  Is it ridiculous not to shoot a video because a giant pimple appeared on your cheek while you’re detoxing? Well, that’s what happened and it’s all I saw on my test videos. Here’s the link to my YouTube page if you want to subscribe and get updates and there WILL be updates!
  1. Give back/Pay it forward to 12 different organizations. Thinking about which organization to help in February.

green berry smoothie

  1. Spend quality time with my family: Enjoy a minimum of 45 dates with DH (Darling Hubby), 25 “Sis” outings and as much as possible with my nieces, nephews and friends.  Spent a couple hours having “coffee” at a friend’s with another friend — they drank coffee, I brought my own smoothie.  So 2 dates with DH and 1 with Sis so far this year.
  1. 3 secret goals that I won’t be talking about until they’re accomplished. While I’ll be tracking and writing about them in real time, I won’t be sharing for now.  These are slow going this week.

And, above all, be focused yet forgiving for those times when life interferes and things don’t happen as planned.

What about you? Did you make goals for 2017? How are they going?

Read other 2017 Goal Progress Reports/Updates here.