AHA moment while walking my dog this morning

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It all started by my shutting down earlier than usual yesterday and not going through my regular process of setting things up for the next day — what am I doing, when am I doing it, how much time will it take, etc….

As Sasha (big lab/rotti mix) and I went for our "Mommy and Me" morning walk this morning (Sasha's MUCH less demanding than my shepherd or llasa apso and so I'm sure to get this focused time in with her), I was thinking about everything that I "had to do today":

  • Grocery shopping after being gone for over 2 weeks (thank heavens for PeaPod!)
  • Finishing information page for new group program
  • Sending "CONGRATS" gifts to everyone who completed 30 Day Blogging Challenge (gifts just arrived from Amazon!) — this is something I wanted to do myself given the great accomplishment
  • Planning menu (& get ingredients) for band's practice tomorrow night (something more than appetizers, but not as much as a dinner)
  • Creating affiliate materials for upcoming program launch
  • Complete and send "Online Essentials" info page to Team to get up on site
  • Hosting Nancy Marmolejo's Women of Impact Implementation call this afternoon

There are several more, but you get the idea…

And as a slight feeling of overwhelm started to creep in from the "had to do today", I tweaked the words a bit to "wanted to get done today" and instantly felt a sense of relief.

I wasn't "doing", I was "done'ing" — these things were going to be completed and I WANTED to do them, I didn't HAVE to do them.

That shift in verbiage created a HUGE shift in how I felt about the day.

The next time you feel a little overwhelmed, check out which words you're using to describe what you're doing and see if you can't tweak them a bit.

MAKE it a great day! 🙂