What I’m Watching: “The Phenomenon” by Dan Kennedy

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BlogtopThose of
you who have seen "The Secret" will recognize the format in Dan
Kennedy’s latest product.
Phenomenon" is a 93-minute DVD Adventure which transports you through a
portal most people don’t even know exists.

focuses on how to achieve more in the next 12 months than in the previous 12
years. I got my copy late last week and
highly recommend it to anyone wishing to take their business — and their life
— to the next level.

You can
order yours at The Phenomenon.com

Sandra P. Martini, the
Automatic Business Coach ™, is creator of the “9 Simple Steps to Creating an
Automatic Business” system. To learn
more about this step-by-step program for small business success, and to receive
her FREE “5 Simple Steps to Putting Your Marketing on Autopilot” e-course/audio
mini-series and how-to articles and teleseminars, please visit www.SandraMartini.com.