Subjects for your blog posts/ezine articles #30DayBlog

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We're almost halfway through the #30DayBlog Challenge and I know some of you are beginning to wonder — what else can I post about?

After all, as Liz Schneider posted on Facebook when asked how she was doing with the Challenge:

"[I] don't want to bore people by talking about things that are not pertinent to my business or what I'd love to help them with. Perhaps I am making each article too complex (thus too long, lots of work to create)."

Liz posted what most of us think about. 

After all, posting for the sake of posting means nothing.  You're posting so that your ideal client will come to your blog/open your ezine and READ what you've written.

Given the above, what should you be posting about?

Here are my top 6 types of topics, for both blog posts and ezine articles:

  1. "How To" — what can you offer your ideal clients in the form of "how to do X"?
  2. New info — is there a piece of new information, a new vendor, a new piece of technology that your ideal clients would be interested in that you can share?
  3. Observations — some of my most popular articles are when I share observations about the industry in general (and no, they're not always flattering, but they are my honest opinions)
  4. Profiles — a profile of someone/something which your ideal clients may be interested in and
  5. A guest article — I periodically run guest articles from my clients. This does a few things:
    1. it SHOWS (always better than telling) my prospective clients that I openly promote my clients
    2. it SHOWS my ideal clients that I happily reward them for taking action (by nature of giving them increased exposure) and
    3. it provides my readers with more valuable information, from another source they may not have otherwise been aware of.
  6. Reviews — is there a book or a product review that would interest your ideal clients?

So what are you going to write about next?