2017 Goals: Week 2 of 52 Update

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Sandra Martini shares Week 2 of 52 Progress Report on status of 2017 Goals.

So here we go. . .Week 2’s Progress Report with 350 days to go.  If you missed the full description of each goal, you can read about them at 2017 List of Goals.

My Goals for 2017

The Art of Extreme Client Care

  1. Publish my book and achieve Amazon Bestseller Status. There was a lot of writing, with little that feels “keepable” from last week.  A combination of notes, must include “somewheres” and sketches that all culminated in the feeling that a long writing session — more than the hour I’ve been allotting each morning is on its way.

Lakeville MA temp

  1. Release additional 49 pounds.  Up 2 pounds (so down 58 total total and 50 left on this goal). Last week’s walks were almost all grocery store or house-related. It was freezing and/or raining outside and I just couldn’t muster the motivation to go out and walk in it (or deal with “wet dog smell” afterwards) and treadmills make me sad.  Heading back to South Carolina next week and will be able to get more walking done in the warmer (I hope) weather.  Despite that lack of being outside, I averaged 5.2 miles/day last week.  Believe the additional pounds came from taste testing all the freezer meals I was making for my hubby and sister for while I’m gone.
  1. In addition to *regular* clients, partner privately with 5 business owners.  Received agreement to partner with president of national institution in the marketing of his new book.  Private client is reviewing partnership options.
  1. Complete Paula Eder’s Decluttering Challenge. Week 2 was to donate/sell/discard 2 items.  While I didn’t grab a picture, I donated 11 books to our local library.  My goal within the goal is to, at a minimum, mark off each of the 52 weeks so until the higher weeks are marked off will start with those.  Weeks 11 and 18 have been done.

Escalator Marketing Program

  1. Simplify my business offerings and fully flush out the Escalator (funnel) for each of the programs, products and services that remains.  Listed out all of my private consulting/mentoring programs and eliminated all but three of them.  Next up is to update the website (that’ll be a project for next week).  Did not update the site yet — moving to next week.

  1.   Read a minimum of 52 books in 52 weeks.  I attended a talk by Noah Fleming at the Inbound conference and picked up a copy of his Evergreen book, but just got around to reading it.  It’s about cultivating customer loyalty.  49 books to go.

homemade lasagna


  1. Complete 50 projects.  This week’s project got moved from website updating to preparing more freezer meals and going through paperwork in the office.  3 bags of stuff shredded and recycled (didn’t want to count as “pounds” for Decluttering Challenge so left that off the count above) and 11 books donated to local library.
  1. Post at least 50 videos.  Next week…it’s on the calendar. Here’s the link to my YouTube page if you want to subscribe and get updates.
  1. Give back/Pay it forward to 12 different organizations. Sticking with my random acts of kindness in January, I paid for the car behind me’s food at a Dunkin Donuts and for a veteran and his family’s meal at a local restaurant.

Full moon over Plymouth waterfront

  1. Spend quality time with my family: Enjoy a minimum of 45 dates with DH (Darling Hubby), 25 “Sis” outings and as much as possible with my nieces, nephews and friends.  Went to dinner at a favorite restaurant on the Plymouth waterfront with DH, Sis and her husband and enjoyed seeing the huge moon over the Atlantic on our way in and throughout dinner.  So 2 dates with DH and 1 with Sis so far this year.
  1. 3 secret goals that I won’t be talking about until they’re accomplished. While I’ll be tracking and writing about them in real time, I won’t be sharing for now.

And, above all, be focused yet forgiving for those times when life interferes and things don’t happen as planned.

What about you? Did you make goals for 2017? How are they going?

Read other 2017 Goal Progress Reports/Updates here.