Small Business Growth Strategies

Consistency Is More Effective Than Creativity
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We’ve talked about becoming more productive, increasing leverage without overhead and we’ve discussed your Everest Mission during a previous training call and, here, now… Some growth strategies if you’re looking to thrive in 2023.

First, a stat from TMW.

Consistently doing the things we share here and implementing
everything we taught last year and this year-to-date, we’ve more
than doubled our Q1 revenue from 2021 (113% revenue increase)
with an 89% increase in profits over the same period last year.
It’s important to note here that 2021 was our second best revenue
year since I was no longer a full-time caregiver while running the
business so doubling our Q1 revenue is a significant achievement.
Another note, this achievement was reached despite not yet re-
opening GIDR to new members (coming soon) and with a
smaller team than during the same time last year.

Review each of the below and ask yourself “How can we
implement our version of this?”

When you start with the word “How”, your mind automatically
starts coming up with ideas.

1. How have you adapted since the pandemic — what’s
your new normal?

What’s changed in your business since the pandemic? How are
you doing things differently? What new products or services have
you added or taken away from your offerings? Once you identify,
share the changes you’ve made to adapt and stay ahead with
your team, clients and partners. Let them know that your
business is proactively responding to what’s going on in the
world/your industry.

2. Expand your online presence.

Depending on what you offer, share it on more than *just* your
website. Do you sell templates? Printables? Add them to Etsy. Sell

List your company on freelance and contract websites. Do what
we did recently and create an Alexa Briefing — not only does it
let you share great info, it creates a strong backlink from Amazon
to your website.

3. Build strategic partnerships.

Who speaks to your ideal prospects and is not a direct
competitor? From February’s training… Who is the peanut butter
to your jelly? Complementary, not competitive?

For example, we’ve built a strategic partnership with Predictive
ROI (and are mutual clients) and have been featured on their
podcast and led trainings for their membership program.

4. Leverage innovative new products and services.

Mid-last year, we added a service our clients have never seen –
from us or anyone else. The service? For businesses with a
membership or subscription program, we’ll audit the program and
share specific action items (prioritized as money-making
opportunities and money-draining mistakes).

One such client report was over 45 pages. Implementing just a few of
our recommendations more than paid for the investment, essentially
making the cost not only free, but revenue generating over time.

What can you/have you added to your offerings and how have you
shared that with your ideal prospects (see #1).