7 Do’s & Don’ts of Creating a Successful Forum for Your Next Program

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Over the years, I've participated in several coaching and mastermind programs, most with a forum of one type or another and very few of them successful.

In preparing my Get It Done Right — The FIRST Time program, I thought back to all the forums I've been a part of and what worked (and didn't work) for each of them and THEN I created my forum.

Here's some of the do's and don'ts of creating a successful forum:

  1. DO define what "successful" means to you when it comes to your forum.  For me, it meant daily participation by members…aka, an "active" place where members build a community with each other and me and create a forum to meet your definition.
  2. DON'T let someone (or the members) take your place in coaching/mentoring on the forum.
  3. DO include resources your members will find helpful and make them easy to locate.
  4. DON'T leave previous months' call recordings, etc. on the forum unless program is closed.
  5. DO put event information on the forum, as well as call recordings.
  6. DON'T let the forum discussions replace email and other communication with your members.
  7. DO ask for frequent feedback about how things are going on the forum and adjust as necessary.

All in all, think about what YOU would want in a forum and then give that to your clients.

I'd love to hear what you're doing in your forum — please let me know below!  🙂