Marketing Lessons from a Small Town Restaurant

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While enjoying yet another fabulous breakfast at Binky's Restaurant in Middleborough, Mass this weekend, I sat back and took a good look around at what makes Binky's so unforgettable:

  1. The atmosphere — Kim (daughter of Binky) and her staff have created an atmosphere where everyone is treated like family…from those of us who go all the time to those who walk through her doors for the first time.
  2. While they make an incredible breakfast and also serve lunch, they're "known" for their pancakes.  First off, there's one of them and it's the largest I've ever seen.  I still remember betting my (then) 10-year-old nephews that they couldn't each finish one (yep, I won!).
  3. Almost all of the customers are long term repeats or coming based on word of mouth referrals.

This simple breakfast led me to ask myself (and now you) a few questions…

When was the last time you looked at the "atmosphere" (yes, even online) your business creates for your clients?

What are you known for?  Or what can you be known for?

What can you do to ensure your clients are telling everyone about you (and coming back themselves)?

If you're happy with your answers, great!  Keep it up! 

If not, it's time to change — what's your first step?  If you don't know, reach out, I'm happy to help. 🙂