Small Business Lessons Learned from a Football Game

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NEPatriotsLast weekend the New England Patriots played the Denver Broncos to see who would move one step closer to the SuperBowl.

Now, living in Massachusetts, about 30 miles from the Patriots’ stadium, you’d expect that, even without being a major football fan like DH (darling hubby), I’d hear a lot about the Pats before that game.

I didn’t.

I did hear about the Broncos’ quarterback. . .in fact I heard about him SO much that his name now causes me to change the channel of whatever I’m watching or listening to.

The hype about this man was overwhelming.  The media built him up so much that it would have been difficult for anyone to attain their standards.  Yet still it continued.

Game day arrives and still he’s all I hear about.  Nothing about or from the Patriots.

The Patriots won that game decisively – 45 to 10 – and the media’s scrambling to recover.

What happened?

The New England Patriots kept their heads down and focused on preparing for the game.

  • They didn’t get involved with the media hype,
  • They didn’t justify or compare themselves to the other team,
  • They just did their job

And, as a result, they dominated.

So what does this mean for you?


What if we were to take those same lessons:

  • Avoid the hype
  • Focus on what you do best and don’t be concerned about comparing yourself to others and
  • Show up 100% in all that you do

And apply them to your business?  Imagine what you could accomplish in a day, a week and yes. . .even a year!