The Other Side of Video

Video has been hailed as the holy grail of online marketing, the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to connecting virtually with your clients and prospective clients.

After all, it speeds up the “know, like, trust” factor as your potential clients can look into your “eyes” and connect with you in ways not possible with simple text.  It allows you to inject your personal style in a virtual world.

Personally, I love using video and use it throughout my business:

That said, I’ve noticed an over-reliance on using video exclusively to deliver trainings.

I recently checked out 3 different programs, ranging from $67 to $2000 and didn’t sign up for any of them.  The reason?

  • No live interaction
  • One of the videos had a date of “2009” in the corner – things have changed significantly since 2009!
  • No guarantee (particularly given above) that the information is current
  • Only way to ask questions was in a forum with other program participants – no mentor participation.  If the mentor’s not participating and you’re relying on other participants who are in the same training to answer your questions, well…you get the idea.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love video and will continue to use it as one of the tools in my business, but it will never replace me in teaching, training and mentoring.  The convenience isn’t worth the client experience.

I’d love to read your thoughts below. . .