Shock and Awe: Increasing Client Retention


I first heard the term “shock and awe” from Dan Kennedy;  It’s about Extreme Client Care™ in the sense that it’s high touch and high experience and it’s smart marketing.

One of the new initiatives in our business is to create two “Shock and Awe” packages:

  1. For new leads (this replaces the “letter and sticky notes” that I usually mail and
  2. For new clients (this replaces the usual welcome gifts).

The goal of a “Shock and Awe” package is to impress your audience while simultaneously meeting your objectives:

For New Leads/Opt-ins/Contacts:

  • Welcome them to your Community.
  • Share your social media info and invite them to connect with you there
    • Update them on anything you do on social media – maybe certain themes on certain days, monthly contests, etc.
  • Showcase your credibility – through a book you’ve written, testimonials, free report/checklist/info.
  • Give them something beyond just the reading
    • Audio CD
    • Video DVD

Remember to include a call to action in the “Lead” package – whether an invite for them to call you, send you an email, etc.  There needs to be an action that they take or else you’ve essentially sent out nice marketing info with nothing for them to do (just last week, I received a great Tom’s of Maine sample package from Klout with no request, no call to action).

For New Clients:

  • Welcome them to your Family
  • Give them an experience related to what you do
    • For example, Debbie Deupree ( sent me personally made, branded tea, bath crystals and more with a letter on beautiful card stock explaining how to use everything. This spoke to both the “Art” and “Inspiration” side of her business.
    • I include a Welcome box with items made locally.
  • If you’re a coach or consultant, you can include a journal or other means of tracking thoughts, actions and successes.
  • A book or report you’ve written.

Two obvious things:

  1. Your “Shock and Awe” kit should be snail mailed (can be priority or even overnighted if you wish and the occasion warrants the extra expense) and
  2. You’ll want to include a personalized letter. Even if typed, you want it to have the person’s name on it.

The goal of the “Shock and Awe” package is to keep your business top of mind (where new leads are concerned) and reinforce the decision to hire your business (new clients).

Want some help in creating your own “Shock and Awe” process?  Schedule a strategy session today.