Unexpected Observations from 30-Day Blogging Challenge

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My goal in creating this 30 Day Blogging Challenge was to inspire you, and me, to blog more frequently — if you made the daily goal, FABULOUS! If you didn't, at least you blogged more than you otherwise would have.

Thus creating winners on all sides: you for getting increased traffic and your target audience for having access to more of your content.

We're 2/3 through the blogging challenge and here are several of my observations-to-date, many of them unexpected:

  1. Traffic to my blog has more than tripled — while I expected an increase, a tripling is more than expected.
  2. A few colleagues who had my blog imported into their Twitter and Facebook streams have taken me off – totally unexpected and when I asked why (was I writing "off topic", etc.), responses ranged from:
    1. You're posting more than me and it makes me look bad to my peeps (rather short-sighted view when their peeps want them to be a resource and this does that without them having to write new content) to
    2. Every time I see another posting from you, I feel overwhelmed knowing I should be posting too, but am too busy (my suggestion: Whenever a client asks you a question today, jot it down with a few bullet points and VOILA! you have a blog post) 
    3. Not one reason was because of the quality or topics of the posts — it was more about them, than the posts. This is an interesting observation about how what we do influences others.
  3. Inquiries about how to work with me privately or my Team have increased — knew this would happen if I stayed on topic with what my ideal clients want and need.
  4. Sign-ups to my blog's RSS feed have more than doubled over last month — again, knew this would happen if I stayed on topic with what my ideal clients want and need.
  5. Learned that my blog posts are among the most retweeted by my Twitter friends — hoped this would happen if I stayed on topic and wrote titles in a format conducive to Twitter and Facebook and thrilled that my friends appreciate the info and are happy to share with their friends.
  6. Invites to be a featured guest on teleseminars and on telesummits have increased. 🙂

And, one more, observation — a little unexpected, but hoped for, I really enjoy posting these brief tips, strategies and articles on a more regular basis than my ezine comes out.

If you're participating in the #30DayBlogging Challenge, I'd love to hear your observations so far.  And if you're not yet participating, why not?  There's 10 days left…still enough time to get yourself into a new, business beneficial routine. 🙂