When It Comes to Naming…

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In speaking with a client recently, she asked me what the business name “The Martini Way” meant, if it described a process, a system or…

It’s none of those. It’s a tribute to my father who passed from cancer in 2007.

My Dad’s basic life philosophy was “You treat me good, I’ll treat you better.” Dad (Franco Martini) taught us to be kind, do well and embrace the internal strength that comes with integrity.

And that’s where “The Martini Way” came from. 

Names mean something. To you, to others.

In speaking with a different client yesterday, we were talking about Facebook business pages and groups and the naming of each. 

In naming a Facebook Business Page or any “property” which directly represents your business (website, Instagram, etc.), you want to name it something people will recognize/discover when they see/search for it. 

For example, my Facebook Business Page is Sandra Martini, Business Consultant and my Instagram is Sandra Martini Biz Advisor as the majority of my clients come to me by referral and will recognize my personal name more than the business name.

Facebook Groups, specifically ones that are open to anyone on the other hand fare better when named for the intent of the group. So those searching for a particular interest find it (groups that are part of paid programs are another story).

For example, you’re more likely to attract members to your open-to-anyone plant-based foods group for those new to eating that way if it’s named “Plant-Based Foods for Beginners” versus “Eating Healthy LLC” or a business name that others have not (yet!) heard of.

The same is true of your programs and products — naming them something that speaks to what your ideal client is looking for/seeking will have them at least opening the email/reading the description to see if it meets their needs.