Craving a Reboot? Shift Your Energy

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dog cuddled in bedHave you ever just craved a reboot? Something to shift up the energy?

That was me two weekends ago. While I love what I do and am so grateful to work from home… like a computer that’s been on too long, I needed a reboot.

The answer: two nights in a cabin on a pier and, fortunately, the internet wasn’t working. Just me, my notebook, sunrise walks and my thoughts.

First thing I realized is that while I LOVE the view from my office window, the space wasn’t working for me anymore. So I jotted down some options.
Then I took myself through both my seasonal and quarterly processes (seemed appropriate given that Q3 and summer were upon us) and the results since have been amazing.
If you’re craving a reboot or a shift in energy, here are some pieces of my processes that may serve you:
  • Consider changing where you work. I moved my office from one end of the house to the other and, while it’s still in process, the energy shift was immediate. Be creative.
  • Write down what you’re loving most in your business right now — how you’re serving people that lights you up. Run your YTD numbers, how much of what you’re loving most have you done? What, if anything, needs to shift to bring your passion and revenue in alignment?
  • Identify your word/phrase for the season or quarter. For years, I’ve identified a word/phrase for the year and a few years ago, I added seasonal words which support the year overall and reflect the energy of the seasons. It’s a great way to keep focused when those bright shiny objects appear as well as harness the energy of the seasons to keep you on track.
  • Take whatever time you need to “clean your mental desk”. Write down everything (biz and personal) that’s in your head in a notebook specific for this process and then prioritize, do, delegate or schedule as necessary (I love this notebook as it allows me to handwrite and then upload notes using their f.r.e.e app). I then do the same process to identify tolerations/things that are bugging me and create a plan for eliminating (and then take action!).
  • See last week’s article and incorporate what makes sense for you.
Since my reboot:
  • Made enough space in my life (eliminating tolerations, negative nellies/drama and things that no longer serve) such that I was able to foster a dog in need (pic above and you can learn more on my Instagram).
  • Moved my office, re-organized my kitchen for summer (more smoothies and salads, less soup and oven-use as anyone in a climate where the days are in the 90s with similar humidity will understand!), released two clients and, within a day, welcomed two others.
  • Am sleeping better than I have in months.
  • Created a Q3 and Q4 plan that has me giddy (truly!) with excitement and anticipation. (You’re going to love it!)
  • Booked two virtual private speaking engagements and revamped my Overcome Overwhelm: Get Clients, Add Leverage and Increase Profits e-book (click title to download).
What will a reboot and shift in energy do for you/your business? Comment below.