Business Systems for Increased Freedom AND Profits

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commitmentSystems. . .they sound boring.  They require setup and often documentation.  They’re a lot less fun than chatting on Facebook or Twitter or having a “quick call” or Skype chat with a friend or colleague.

Systems. . .they’re also the key to increased profits and peace of mind in your business.

Let me share a quick, and real-life, example:

Last fall I was considering attending a one-day event.  The event was about a 4-hour train ride (each way) and I had scheduling commitments the day before and after.  After reading the info page, I had a few questions on timing and the only way to get answers was to call.

Now this is usually a great thing.  You call, they answer.

In this case, I called, left a detailed message and heard nothing.

Found her website online and sent in a Contact Form request.  Received an answer 3 days later with a note that she thought she’d returned my call.

What happened here is obvious. . .I didn’t attend her event and no other relationships which may have come from that occurred (referrals, JV partnerships, becoming her client, etc.).

Now imagine if only she had a simple system:

  • Allow people to ask questions right on the info page and provide a phone number for those who prefer a live chat
  • Create a checklist of all inquiries and ensure they’re answered 1-2 times daily (remember, she’s filling an event)
  • Take the checklist and 1/ If the question is one from which others could benefit, add the Q&A to the info page or create an FAQ email to send out (and note for next event) and 2/ See how responding increased registrations

The above system can be modeled for potential client questions/consultation calls.

You see, with systems, there’s no question of who’s doing what or when something will get done.  It becomes routine and our businesses are the result of all our routines put together.



Here are just a few of the systems you can create in your business:

  • How is the phone answered, what does your voicemail say? Is it welcoming? Do you give option to email you?
  • What happens when a new client signs with you?
  • What happens when a client completes with you?
  • How/When do you track your finances and marketing efforts?
  • How/When do your newsletter or blog posts get published?
  • Offering a new program or product? What’s your process for announcing it to potential customers?

And always check-in first. . .does this system makes sense from my client’s viewpoint?  From mine?

Do these systems require commitment?  In a sense they do, yet they also provide freedom.  As the owner of your business, creating systems frees you up to think about other things knowing these are handled.

And, if you want to make an exception?  Go ahead.  It’s your business and your choice.

© 2012 Sandra Martini