How to Turn a Chat Into a Marketing Piece You Can Use Again and Again

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You’ve most likely heard of the term "repurpose" or
"repurposing" and, chances are, that term has been uttered in the same
sentence as "articles" or "article marketing".

Truth is, there
are several different ways to repurpose everything you do in your
business and article marketing is just one small piece.

is one of the quickest ways to create a new product – whether that be a
f*r*e*e* giveaway for your list or an information product (ebook, audio
recording, etc.) that you sell to clients and prospects.

look at creating a f*r*e*e* giveaway special report you offer prospects
as a gift for signing up to receive your newsletter.

First, we
need to choose a topic. Select one thing your clients ask you about
regularly – a challenge you frequently help them with.

One of my
clients is a financial and estate planner. A topic which easily
confuses many. While I haven’t discussed this with her, I’m willing to
bet that when she has a new client, she sits down (in person or on the
phone) and has a conversation about the simple steps you can take to
put a plan in place.

This conversation, in generic terms, can easily be repurposed into a special report/e-course for her website/newsletter as follows:

  1. Ask a friend to serve as the "client" (or ask an actual client and exclude names/identifying information).
  2. Get a handheld digital recorder – ensure the batteries are new
    (or if this is done over the phone, record the call using a system such
  3. Record the initial conversation discussing an overview of the steps needed to put a financial and estate plan in place.
  4. Have the recording transcribed.
  5. Review and replace/delete identifying information as necessary.
  6. Break the text up into 3, 5 or 7 sections (look for natural breaks).
  7. Offer the report through an e-course (using an autoresponder
    which makes it automatic) as a gift for those who sign up for her

That’s it!

We’ve just repurposed a
conversation which occurs with every new client into a special report
whose goal is to invite prospects to sign up for a newsletter or ezine
AND we’ve done it in such a way (through a multi-step e-course) that
allows repeated follow-up with valuable information for the prospect.

You could just as easily skip breaking the report into sections and offer it as a single report. How easy is that?

Your Coaching Challenge

you have a special report you can offer your clients and prospects? If
not, I request that you select a date within the next 30 days by which
you’ll have, at a minimum, a draft version.

And remember, you do
not need to have a website to make this happen and start getting
signups for your newsletter list. The important thing is to take
consistent action in moving forward. . .starting NOW! 🙂

For the past 5 years, Sandra Martini has been showing
self-employed business owners how to get more clients consistently by
implementing processes and systems to put their marketing on autopilot.
Visit Sandra at
for details, compelling client testimonials and her free audio series “5 Simple
and Easy Steps to Put Your Marketing on Autopilot”.