The More You Give, The More You Receive: What Makes Some Entrepreneurs Successful and Others Not

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Gail SaseenTodays article is a guest post by Gail Saseen.

Over the last few years I have been associated with several small business and entrepreneurial mentoring and coaching groups. Through those associations I learned many things and one of the most important was… The More You “Give”… The More You “Receive”. I observed those who sat back and simply received, not giving back to the process or participating.  These folks often complained that the coaching or mentoring “didn’t work”.  I also watched those who were committed, involved and actively participated in the groups and the process. These folks flourished and grew as emerging leaders and successful business owners.

The common thing was that everyone wanted success. Some were not “ready” for it and blamed their own lack of forward momentum and success on the coaches and mentors.  I call that the “success by osmosis” method… that doesn’t work.

On the other hand, others gave freely of their skills, talents and intellectual knowledge.  These participants had a different definition of success.  It was a more personal or internal definition of success in which they evolved as natural leaders as well. This group of entrepreneurs received opportunity after opportunity and that put them on a “yellow brick road” to more opportunity and success.

As I was researching historical aspects of leadership, I came upon the two paragraphs below that inspired me to write this article.  I realized that:

1. What you authentically “give” is in direct correlation to what you gratefully “receive”.  2. What you Ask For Is Given… even if you don’t “see” it. 3. Success and leadership are closely interrelated, especially in team building. 4. The definition of success is truly different for most people which explains why we do what we do. “Success is oftentimes wrongly associated with external gains, such as social standing, a high profile, an influential job title, a trophy that proves one team is better than its opponent, or a car that symbolizes wealth. But success is actually something much more personal, reflecting an internal commitment to specific values, characteristics and belief.

Success comes from helping others, from being the best you can be through fair and considerate participation, from a commitment to honesty and integrity, and from giving everything you have to achieving a specific goal. In this sense, success varies from person to person, and although more external measures of success do exist, they become much less important to the individual striving to attain a personal ideal.”   Joe Frontiera and Daniel Leidl

Something for you to think about. . .


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Gail Saseen – S.M.A.R.T. Business Expert, is an author and business coach and consultant.  She has a unique ability for communicating complex marketing and technology concepts in simplified and understandable language.  Gail is an internationally recognized authority in the areas of: marketing strategy and planning, systems development, direct mail, social media marketing, website and technology implementation, product development, information marketing and coaching.  Gail assists small business owners and entrepreneurs develop business systems and goals and strategic plans using S.M.A.R.T. Principles. – Free Gift