Are you remarkable?

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The last month has been incredibly busy as I’ve been helping to care for my father-in-law and spending time with him daily (he’s doing FABULOUS!), wrapping up my website, hosting a very successful ‘Jumpstart My Ezine’ 4-week teleseminar (what a special group of entrepreneurs we had!) and putting the final touches on two new products, in addition to filling all but one space in my coaching programs.

In the middle of all this, my DH has contracted carpal tunnel, our beloved Sasha needs a hip replacement and our vehicles are all having issues. When it rains, it pours! 🙂

I’m telling you this so you will fully appreciate how much the following meant to me. . .

Our mechanic is located two towns away. He’s phenomenal and we trust him completely (not many people will say that about their mechanic)! Last week, DH’s commuting car desperately needed help. He rolled it into the shop, they fixed it and returned it to our house (yes, THEY brought it to us). In returning it, they noticed that DH’s truck inspection sticker expired on 7/31. They offered to take it, get it inspected (NOT one of their services) and return it — for no cost.

When they returned it, they noticed that the inspection sticker had also just expired on my car. Again, they took it, got it inspected and returned it (they also did an oil change as they noticed it was time). They charged NOTHING extra for this service — remember, they are two towns away. My mechanic and his colleague did this on their lunch breaks.

Knowing how busy my family has been over the last month, what do you think this service is worth to us — especially since it was completely unexpected and unsolicited! It’s priceless — although I did thank our mechanic with fresh cherry tomatoes from our garden and dinner out for him and his fiance. . .and a little something for the guys in the shop. 🙂

Do you go the extra step in providing service *so* remarkable for your clients that it becomes an experience for them to do business with you — not just a transaction? That’s what my mechanic did for me — and you can bet I’m telling everyone I know about how great they are.