The Day Coattails Turned Pink

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Remember that old expression about riding into political office on the back of someone else’s coattails?

When you think about it, that’s a pretty powerful concept — tagging on to someone else’s success to help you increase your own.

Well, speaking of success, my friend and colleague, Dr. Ellen Britt called me as I drove home from my business retreat a couple weeks ago.  She wanted to talk about something BIG that is launching as we speak and that will help women online entrepreneurs and business owners, just like you, do exactly that and, I’m proud to say, Ellen invited me to be a part of it.

The “it” is helping women online entrepreneurs ride to success on the coattails of other successful women only this time, instead of those coattails being a drab tuxedo black, they are a bright, beautiful, vibrant PINK!

You see, there’s a whole new world out there — one where women business owners are playing an absolutely vital part in supporting other entrepreneurs, both women and men, who we can feel good about.

Great people who are not only producing extraordinary products and services that will help us grow our own businesses (and lives!) but who are doing good in the world as well.

Welcome to Pink CoatTails.

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