10 Extreme Client Care Tips for Building Client Loyalty

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In preparing to train a local business on Extreme Client Care™, I thought I’d share a few tips for attaining — and keeping — customer and client loyalty.

  1. Ensure that the price you charge is always far less than the value your customer and client receives.
  2. When preparing your next “X” (program, product or service), put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask “What would make this an experience worth raving about?”  Then see what you can incorporate.
  3. People first, revenue second.  Take time to connect with your customers and clients as people before anything else.  Get to know them as individuals.
  4. Treat your best customers and clients as insiders in your business — give them a “sneak peek” of things to come.  Build anticipation.
  5. Ask yourself, “If I was starting over, what would the ideal experience be for each and every one of my customers?”  Work to incorporate that vision into your business.
  6. Remember the old saying “the devil is in the details” — it truly is.  Give the details the same attention as “the big things”.  It’s in these details that the remarkable often happens.  I’ve also heard the phrase “Little hinges swing big doors” — same concept. 🙂
  7. We hear the phrase “under-promise and over-deliver” a lot.  Sadly many businesses don’t even “deliver”, let alone over-deliver.  Be the one who does.
  8. Before sending that email, ask yourself, “Is this the best way to communicate in this instance?”  You’ll discover that many things can be handled faster with a 5-minute phone call and your clients will appreciate that you reached out.
  9. Share the results your clients receive with them — periodically review how different things are, how things have changed.
  10. Hold your customer and client’s interests above your own.  If a client isn’t getting results, for any reason, bring it up with them and be prepared to do what’s in their best interest.
  11. And a bonus. . .remember to thank your customers and clients.  In person, with cards, picking up the phone, with a gift, whatever’s appropriate for the situation.

Remember, Extreme Client Care™ is all about win-win — a win for your customers and a win for your business. 

The best way to deliver a continuously optimal experience?  Plan for it!  This is just a part of what we’ll be doing in our upcoming Escalator Profits Path to Freedom Program — is it right for you?

Please share any tips or strategies you have or examples of how you’ve received Extreme Client Care™ below, we’d love to hear them.