We used to be Comcast/Infinity customers (note the “used to”).
That all changed one day when we saw a commercial for a special much better than the one we were currently getting.
After calling, we discovered that the deal was only for new customers and that, as existing customers, we weren’t entitled to anything better than what we had.
My comment. . . “So you treat new customers better than loyal, been-paying-you-for-14-years customers?”
The answer was “Sorry, ma’am that’s our policy.”
Within a week we were with another provider. It always blows my mind that businesses, and not only the large corporate ones, fail to remember the customers and clients who support them day in and day out.
April is Customer Loyalty Month.
What are you doing and, more importantly, do you do in a regular, systemized way to show your current customers and clients that you appreciate them?
5 Ways to Show Your Clients the Same Loyalty They Show You
- Remember to say “thank you”. Preferably through handwritten notes, but phone or email is also welcome.
- Go above and beyond. Underpromise and overdeliver. And those times when you mess up (and you will), apologize and do your best to make it right.
- When working with a client, ask yourself, “If I were the client, would I do business with me again?” Why or why not? Fix what needs fixing.
- Whenever possible, always offer your loyal clients the best rates or added value items. For example, our Get It Done Right members enjoy 15% off all products and group programs. A local café offers “buy 10 beverages, get one f.r.e.e. cards”. Same offer only with dog food at local pet store. Be creative.
- Periodically survey your customers and clients. What’s working well? What changes would they like to see? Are there services they’d like you to offer? Make it anonymous so they’re comfortable being 100% forthcoming.
And remember, while April is “technically” Customer Loyalty Month, it’s a celebration you should incorporate into every day.
Questions/Thoughts? Please share below, I’m happy to personally answer.