Marketing Opportunities and Misses

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While out and about before a trip to Atlanta recently, I saw the following marketing “miss”:

  • A Cornwell Tool Truck with the distributor’s name and info in beautiful script on the sides and back of the truck.  The problem?  He had one of those raisable loading docks which was blocking the back of the truck so all the person behind him saw was white.  A total missed marketing opportunity as the person behind him has no idea what he does/offers and that person could be a mechanic, an auto-shop owner, etc.

Upon arriving at the hotel in Atlanta, I saw the following marketing opportunities seized:

  • While showering, I noticed the shower head had their name, website and an 800-number on it.
  • After showering, grabbed a big, fluffy towel and noticed the tag has their name and website on it.

These two companies know the power of marketing — and the cost to them?  Negligible as they were already producing the showerheads and towels anyway.  A big contrast to the Cornwell truck above.

My request to you. . .

  1. Are you marketing your business everywhere?  For example: car magnets, your voicemail, do you stick a label with your website on when paying bills, do your business checks have your website on them, have you pinned up business cards/postcards at your local grocery store/library/anyplace where your ideal clients are going, think outside the box. . .
  2. If you host teleseminars or webinars, have you considered hosting a free one at your local library?  Many online-based entrepreneurs are so focused on the “online” that they forget they’re ideal client may just as likely be in their own neighborhood as across the country or world.

There are tons of low and no cost ways to market your business…as long as we’re open to receiving them.

I’d love to hear about marketing activities you’ve noticed missed or seized and your outside-the-box ideas for marketing your business — want to share below?