Syfy Hits a Trifecta with “SharkNado” — Lessons for Biz Owners Everywhere


Sharknado Movie
Courtesy of

The Syfy channel recently aired “Sharknado” — a movie where tornadoes off California sucked up sharks and deposited them throughout Los Angeles.

The film was an immediate cult hit.  It took over Twitter and the hashtag “#SharkNado” garnered so much attention that several social media-savvy government agencies and companies got involved with posts like:

The movie created such a social media feeding frenzy (pun intended) that Syfy reran it last night for all those who missed.

And the really smart thing Syfy did? 

Throughout the movie it posted tweets from those watching and commenting on Twitter.  Talk about engagement!  People started tweeting more hoping their tweet would make it on screen which further increased both viewers and social media postings.

It became a happy circle for movie makers and advertisers!

Think of the combination:

A B-rated horror movie which stirred up viewers enough to give it massive publicity and earn a second showing with, a week after the television premiere, talks about a sequel already in the works

combined with Syfy skillfully jumping on the social media bandwagon, exhibiting social proof of the film’s popularity by posting viewer-generated tweets on screen and building further engagement with a simple request:

as they simultaneously promoted their next original film “BlastVegas” which now has a very tough act to follow.

Sharknado + Engagement + Social Proof = Trifecta!

What learning can you incorporate into your business?

  •  Never underestimate the power of social media.  Get your community involved and reward them for sharing your info for maximum engagement and results.
  • See something that’s working?  How can you capitalize on (and monetize) it, even if it means shifting other things around (as Syfy did with their program schedule)?
  • People saying good things about your biz?  How can you get more eyes on those “word of mouth” testimonials/case studies?  Syfy did it by posting tweets right on the television screen.  What can you do?

There are lessons and inspiration for us, and our businesses, everywhere — if we’re open to it.

What’s sparked some learning/inspiration for you?  Please share below. 🙂