3 Key Marketing Activities for 2017

Past And Future Board Showing Destiny Or Progress
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Sandra Martini shares her predictions of the top 3 marketing activities savvy business owners will engage in during 2017.

Regardless of the type of busPast And Future Board Showing Destiny Or Progressiness owner you are, you can’t be on top of everything 100% of the time.  You have to make choices about where to put your time, attention and money.

Given that, the question is what’s going to most significantly impact your business this year? What will have the most ROI given your investments of time, energy and money?

Lots of predictions are made each New Year and, in addition to the ones I shared in last month’s Escalate Community call, here are three marketing activities which have the ability to make a real difference in your results this year, more so than any other previous:

  1. Create/Use some form of client tracking/customer relationship system in order to:
  • better segment your email marketing beyond simply client/non-client
  • be able to create custom audiences for social media targeting
  • implement an Extreme Client ™ plan which focuses on retention and referrals

Customers and clients have come to expect, and demand, personalization.  The generic “one size fits all” no longer works, if it ever truly did.

  1. Create/Enhance your Escalator™/funnel such that each point of entry (each lead magnet) is the beginning of a journey. A journey full of unexpected pleasures (for your client) and predictable revenue/profits for your business.

It can be a tedious project, or not depending on what you enjoy, and you’ll learn so much about your ideal clients and your business while doing it in combination with #3 below.

  1. Track metrics/analytics and apply what you learn. No getting stuck in analysis paralysis.
  • Change/Tweak what you do based on what you discover. Identify your best clients and then tweak your marketing/advertising to target their characteristics. Identify who invests in your lowest cost products and create a campaign/Escalator™ to target them with offers that appeal to them.
  • Notice a trend in click-throughs for a certain topic? Share more content or offer a program, product or service related to it.
  • Notice your clients engage more with bite-sized info? Break your book into chapters and offer it as an e-course.

You can’t do everything. You must prioritize and these three activities will land your business in a much better place come month, quarter and year end.

Let me know if you want support around any of the above.