Overcoming Entrepreneurial Overwhelm when YOU’RE the Business

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Are you the business in your business?

If you’re the business… If client fulfillment depends on you, then one of your biggest priorities must be taking care of you to ensure you can take care of your clients.

If your energy is low, that comes through.

If you’re burned out, that comes through.

You know what they say on the airlines… “put your oxygen mask on first, then help others.”

So how do you do that when your business is simply one piece of your overall life?

Here are some things things that work for me to save time, energy and sanity:

  1. One of the most leveraged is what I call Personalized Automation™, which is using your CRM (customer relationship management) system to support relationship building, nurturing, fulfillment, retention and reporting while you’re doing all the other things in your life and business.

    I’ll go into more detail on that in my next note.
  2. Weekly digital detox: I often turn my wi-fi router off and put my phone on “airplane mode” after work and/or for at at least one day during the weekend. It’s amazing how many ideas I get and how much better I sleep.

    And during the workday, my phone is in “work focus” so there are no notifications and I can stay focused.
  3. Group like tasks together and set tomorrow’s schedule before leaving the office today:
    1. This ensures less task switching for my brain and also allows my sub-conscious to work on tomorrow’s tasks “in the background.”
  4. Limit decision-making:
    1. I rotate through the same 10 tops for Zoom meetings and do laundry once/week.
    2. On the days I have breakfast, I choose between two meals depending on if I want a smoothie or “to chew”. Different options in the winter when it’s cold.
    3. As I’m now 45 min from my favorite grocery store, have whatever I can’t grow delivered and start with a re-order of my last order and add/subtract as needed. Even with adding in the driver tip, I save a ton of time and money (no impulse buys, etc.).

Feeling overwhelmed in your business? Not sure what to do next? Download our complimentary Overcome Overwhelm: Get Clients, Add Leverage and Increase Profits below.