When F-R-E-E Isn’t. . .

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These days everyone and his sister is offering a FR*EE report, audio, ezine, teleclass, Facebook group, etc., all designed to get us *on the list* so we can be marketed to again and again.

But all these *FR*EE* goodies aren’t actually FR*EE:

• They take time and energy to read and digest
• In many cases, they make us feel more overwhelmed
• They take time away from the actions we should be taking “in”, and “on”, our businesses
• In many cases, they try to upsell you to something else

It’s time to be hyperselective about who you give your time, attention and energy to while unsubscribing from the rest — after all, you can read their blogs when you want to catch up with them.

The best results I’ve seen for clients are when you follow someone who’s a few steps ahead of you in their business. They’ve been where you are without being so far ahead that they no longer understand your challenges.


The next time an ezine, newsletter, teleseminar, giveaway comes across your email inbox, ask yourself the following:

• How do I feel when I first open something from this person? Am I energized? Motivated? Or am I thinking “What is she selling now?”
• Do I take action or feel a sense of overwhelm?
• Does this “X” (ezine, teleclass, person, etc.) bring value to me and/or my business?

Based on your answers to the above, decide whether or not you stay on the list or opt out.