Simple System for Building a Relationship with Your Prospects

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The key to creating a Client Communication Plan – a simple system for building a relationship with your prospects — is to:


1. Write it down

2. Build in consistency and

3. Execute


Step 1: Make a list of ALL the things you enjoy doing in communicating with your prospects and clients. Your list could easily include:


  • writing emails and articles
  • writing blog postings
  • writing tweets on Twitter or updates on Facebook
  • sending cards or postcards via snail mail
  • posting videos on YouTube
  • picking up the phone and calling them

Step 2: Whatever it is you enjoy doing, make a list like the above, grab your calendar and determine WHEN you can *consistently* do the items on your list (or wheedle the list down if you need to).


Your goal is to strike a great balance between consistency and variety — after all, not everyone is watching videos on YouTube or monitoring tweets on Twitter.


Step 3: Execute (a.k.a. "Implement") and continue executing. This is not a one-shot deal, you need to consistently implement your plan in order to see results.


And remember, whatever communication methods you choose, provide your prospects and clients with more information than promotion. This is the key to building a strong relationship.


My Request to You


Following the steps above, create your very own Client Communication Plan and make a decision to commit to it – consistency is KEY! After all, if you're not going to be consistent in your own marketing, how can your clients trust you to be consistent in partnering with them?


For the past 5 years, Sandra Martini has been showing self-employed business owners how to get more clients consistently by implementing processes and systems to put their marketing on autopilot. Visit Sandra at for details, compelling client testimonials and her free audio series “5 Simple and Easy Steps to Put Your Marketing on Autopilot”.