Symptoms of Entrepreneurial Burnout

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Burn-outHow do you know you’re burned out?

Is it:

• Avoiding something you know you need to do?
• Cringing at the thought of answering one more phone call or email?
• Dreading walking into the office the next morning?

As small business owners, it’s easy to get burned out. After all, we’re responsible for everything: From ensuring the computers work to taking out the trash, it’s all us.

And it can be easy to feel burdened by the weight.

If you’re experiencing any of the above, or other, symptoms of burnout, it’s time to take a step away from the business and do something just for you. Something that has nothing to do with your business, even if the business is your passion.

You see, when the business is your passion, your passion becomes so much more than “the thing you do” or “the thing you love”.

It becomes marketing, bookkeeping, systems creation, management and sales. (Tweet This.)

So what’s your “thing”? Please share below in the comments section.

Mine’s reading, gardening, cooking, hanging out with friends/family or watching a good movie. And I combat burnout by ensuring that I spend time doing each of these items every single week.