Paid R&D + Leverage = Smart Business

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Get-It-Done-Right LogoEver since announcing that the Get It Done Right Community investment was dropping to $27.00/month for everyone who joins before March 1, 2012, I’ve been getting comments from clients and colleagues alike:

  • “You give so much value, are you sure you want to LOWER the investment?”
  • “This isn’t a good move for your positioning.  People will view you as bargain basement.”
  • “You need to raise your rates, why are you lowering?  I think you have a block around your self worth.”
  • “Doing this doesn’t honor the Divine in you.  If anything, you need to triple the rate and that would still be too low.”

You get the idea.

There are several reasons why I deliberately chose to cut my profit margin by 43% per GIDR member and will share some here with you.  The remainder will be shared exclusively with members of the Get It Done Right Community in March’s private print newsletter.

A few reasons why an otherwise sane, rational woman and business owner would choose to cut her profit margin by over 40%:

  • The economy’s tough and business owners shouldn’t have to pay an arm and a leg for access to quality mentoring — especially when that same mentoring can help them move forward and give their business a better-than-average chance at success and sustainability if they take consistent action.
  • Those who are serious about growing their business will invest the $27/month and use the program to its fullest (listen and take action on the topic calls, ask questions on the Q&A calls, post questions/engage in our private Facebook group, register for their private 15-min call with me, use the weekly accountability forms, etc.) so they see results.
  • Get It Done Right contains a fabulous cross section of business owners and I learn what my ideal clients need most.  As a result, I only create programs, products and services which are needed:  9 of my last 11 programs have sold out and 2 of my services have been full since creation.  Gotta admit, I prefer this (paid research and development) to launching things and hoping they work.

Think of it this way. . .which would you prefer:

  1. Getting your information from a survey where someone tells you what they THINK they’ll do in any given situation and what they THINK they’ll invest in or
  2. Guessing what your ideal clients want from you and hoping you’re right and that they invest or
  3. Providing value (service/impact) to a group of individuals (leverage) who have shown they will invest with you (increased revenue) while you learn what they want and need most so you can then provide exactly what they need.

There are other reasons, which I’ll share with GIDR Members in March’s print newsletter, however I hope these are enough to prove that I haven’t lost my mind, I do know what I’m doing and yes…there is a strategy behind everything.

And a quick reminder that the investment for Get It Done Right increases from $27/month to $47/month as of March 1, 2012 where it’s still a win/win for all involved.  You can see if it’s right for you at