Why I Don’t Use Zoom in my Membership Programs

dogs on Zoom video chat
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In planning out a new subscription program during a Q2 planning session (Happy April!) with a long-time client yesterday, she asked me, “Why don’t you use Zoom for Escalate and Get It Done Right?”

It’s no secret that I don’t love video — I don’t like watching them (I can read faster and it’s easier to take notes on something written) and I’ve never had a love for the camera (and vice versa!).

This has nothing to do with it. In fact, the majority of my private client sessions are on Zoom.

The reasons we don’t use Zoom in our membership communities are all about Extreme Client Care™ and creating an optimal client experience. Here’s how/why we use Instant Teleseminar:

  • Members receive an email on the 1st of each month with the call links. At any time up to, and during, the calls, members can leave questions in advance at that link. So members can add questions when they think of them and we don’t need to track as they’re waiting for me on the platform at call time.
  • Members can join via phone, webcall or webcast. All questions posted on the webcast can be anonymous — members often use this option when they want guidance/support and prefer privacy around the topic. – The “join now” link is the same as the replay link which makes it super simple for members to access the replays.
  • The system allows us to save a pdf of training call slides and any handouts or related weblinks at the same call link. Everything is in that one place.
  • Zoom fatigue. Enough said on this one.

How about you? If you have a membership program, how do you share content?

In addition to the monthly training and Q&A calls, we also send out a print newsletter. Taking things offline has been a key feature of the program since its inception over 10 years ago.