
Maximizing retention through CRM optimization and Personalized Automation™ since 2004

Marrying profitable growth with monthly recurring revenue + increased retention for a business that funds your future without sacrificing your life today.

Trusted by top businesses worldwide

Consulting Hearts


We partner with you to design and implement the best customized plan for your business’s needs now and in the future.

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Speaking Heart


Timely action-oriented insights that you don’t get elsewhere, highlighting real-world best practices for managing growth and change while increasing profits and having a life.

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Workshop Heart


No theory here. Engaging and interactive, trainings full of actionable info, you walk away ready to move your business forward today.

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About Us

The Martini Way, a boutique firm, is focused on working with clients who make a difference in today’s world. We specialize in providing innovative, custom solutions with a focus on retention, Extreme Client CareTM and Leveraged Profit SolutionsTM designed with your values and goals front and center. Our Client Success Model™ below showcases our overall process.

Insights From the Trenches

Innovative yet practical tools, tips and resources derived from a voracious love of learning and more than 18 years of working with clients around the world.

What people say about us

Sandy has been an invaluable part of our team for over 15 years working with ACI in many different capacities to support the day-to-day back-end operations, finance and compliance.

As our fractional Director of Finance & Online Operations, she is an essential part of our team and we’re incredibly grateful for her attention to detail, her care, her flexibility and her wisdom. I highly recommend Sandy as part of anybody’s team.

Anese Cavanaugh
CEO & Strategic Advisor
Active Choices, Inc.
Therese Skelly

Wow. Talk about a great ROI! Since I’m doing some major repositioning, I decided to invest in “A Shot of Sandy” session to help with strategy and planning. I have lots of great ideas, but as most coaches know… it’s sometimes a challenge to coach yourself.

So I turned to one of the coaches I trust most in the world – Sandy Martini. I love the commitment she brings to excellent client care and rock solid strategies.

But little did I imagine that after my session I’d sign up a client for a $5700 program. The thing was that I had some great ideas, but with Sandy’s help put together a program that I LOVE so could easily offer it to the right client. Needless to say, I’m thrilled, the client can’t wait to get started, and Sandy is my new hero because of the profound work she did with me in just 55 minutes. I went from having a popcorn-style idea machine, to a well grounded plan that works with my new positioning, my strengths, and my revenue goals.

Therese Skelly
Business Growth Coach
Gina Weller

Sandy’s commitment and focus on my needs as a client is exceptional. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business; if you’re running one or trying to get one off the ground, Sandy can help you make it even more successful!
Her dedicated partnership, brilliant collaboration, cherished friendship and ability to bring humor to any situation greatly enhance both my business and my life.

Gina Weller
Weller Consulting
Aurelio Sablone

Hey, Sandy! I just wanted to thank you so much for today’s coaching call! I really enjoyed it, and I loved your many inspiring ideas that you came up with. I was also very impressed with the research you did on me and that you listened to so many of my songs! I really appreciate that… and it makes me feel special! 🙂
You certainly do deliver exceptional client care! Thanks, again, Sandy!

Aurelio Sablone
Stephanie Stanfield, Ph. D.

Sandy gives everyone!!! such great value. She has valuable ideas that can be put to use right away. I love her success list. It really works.

Stephanie Stanfield, Ph. D.
Live Your Present Moment Inc.
Nina Lewis

I was a bit apprehensive to hire Sandy because I considered myself pretty savvy in knowing a lot of marketing strategies. I knew I was stuck so I decided to take the leap of faith and schedule a Shot of Sandy and I am glad I did. Sandy was able to zero in on my business and see my blind spots. She didn’t sugar coat anything and told me to be honest with myself. She gave me quick and effective marketing strategies to use to reach my income goals.

Just one marketing strategy alone resulted in a $1,000 payday less than 3 days after our session! But, most of all Sandy was brutally honest with me and I was able to realize I was making excuses instead of getting things done. From speaking with Sandy I have a plethora of ideas and strategies to implement that will help me build a profitable and sustainable business for years to come. I would say investing in the Shot of Sandy was well worth the investment, especially when I received an ROI of 337% in only 3 days!!

Nina Lewis
Nina Lewis

I had gone back and forth to Sandra’s web page over the span of a few months, always becoming more and more enticed by what she had to share because she seemed so authentic and credible. She didn’t offer the moon and stars like so many other coaches did. So I decided to have a session with her. I received so much value from it that I found myself signing up for more and more until it only made sense for me to sign up for a 6 month term. I receive 100% value and the 50 minutes just flies by. She doesn’t waste a second with me and we tackle point after point. She saves me from making glaring errors and makes me far more efficient also. My knowledge has increased in leaps and bounds as a result of being coached by her. I think she is quite brilliant and she has a way of correcting me without ever criticizing me. I always re-listen to our recording and get so much more out of them the second time- she is absolutely brilliant and I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a coach.

Sarah Jo Wood
Evolving Advisors Inc.
Desiree Young

Sandy has been such a great resource and supporter to me and my business. Things that I’d pegged as confusing to deal with have become much easier to address as I’ve watched her facilitate through them, teach me tricks to deal with them more effectively and basically feel more in control of the logistics of my business.
Even a quick 10 minute conversation can save hours of work and get you back to the things you love to be doing, saving your energy for the reasons you got into business in the first place! Sandy seamlessly helps this happen. I highly recommend her as a part of any team!

Desiree Young