7 Questions to Ask When Reviewing Your Programs

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A couple weeks ago we completed a client audit and mentioned that we also perform program audits (we do internally and also for clients). 

This past week we completed one for our Escalate & Get It Done Right communities. As a result of that audit, we’ve already made one enhancement to the Escalate program and have two more coming April 1st. 

In doing a program audit or program review, we review the below and give each a score of 1-5 with 1 being a hard “no” and 5 being an “absolutely!”:

  • Is the program profitable? 
  • If not profitable, what would need to change to make it profitable (Number of members? Better systems? Streamlined/Automated processes?) AND does it make sense to do? For this one, the score is based on whether or not it makes sense to take the necessary steps for the program to become profitable.
  • Do I love, not “like”, teaching the program?
  • Does the team handle the logistics? If not, why not?
  • Are members engaged (Do they show up for calls? If on Facebook, do they engage in the group?)
  • Are there enhancements we could add that will increase client engagement/satisfaction? If so, what are they and what’s the anticipated ROI (return on investment) for adding?
  • Do the program’s retention and churn rates meet/exceed goals? If not, what needs to change and does it make sense to do?

While it’s hard to see a low score and know that it’s time to let a program go, the new energy and opportunity on the other side of that decision is invigorating.