Summer is a time for growing

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BBQs, swimming pools, vacations, heat, hammocks. . .a general slow down of life overall.

What if we were to heed the words of the great Jim Rohn instead:

“Summer is a time for growing.” – Jim Rohn {Tweet this.}

I know it’s easy to get caught up in the lazy, hazy days of summer, but what if you were to take this time to make a difference long term in your business.

Let me give you a personal example.

Each year, during the two slowest weeks, we implement something. A big project from start to finish – one that has ramifications (positive ones!) throughout the entire year following.

From a new website to a new follow-up process to an entire new revenue stream. We’ve implemented each of them during our slowest periods.

The result? The projects completed during these “slower” times have resulted in our business generating consistent revenue 27-28 days out of each month. Every month.

Some projects perfect for this time?

  • A follow-up process for people you meet – check out Cathy Jennings of for great info on networking online and off and how to follow-up with those you meet.
  • A new Escalator™ or “info funnel” so there’s a natural flow when someone “comes into” your business.
  • Refresh/Reorganize your office for fresh energy or, do as Terry Green of did and relocate your office.
  • Identify the holdup in your business. Is it website traffic? Number of prospective leads? Conversion? Retention? Team? Systems? Once you identify the sticking point, create a plan and do something about it.
  • Find a community you resonate with – one which meets all of the following criteria:
    • Supports you personally and professionally
    • Investment is less than value
    • Gives you the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback in a timely manner
    • Nudges you out of your comfort zone when necessary
    • Lets you join without a commitment – easy in and easy out

This isn’t to say you stay hunkered in your office all summer – far from it. Get out, enjoy summer and, when you’re in the office, focus on a project which will benefit you for months and years to come.